
Conducting the VB-MAPP Course

Re: Conducting the VB-MAPP Course
- Rogers Daisy の投稿
返信数: 1
When scoring barriers and transition sections for non-vocal clients should we mark the lowers score or should we leave the scoring blank since it does not apply? example for Barriers #4 impaired tact the lowest score is: "4 . Minimal tact skills despite strong echoic and LDs, many failed attempts at teaching tacts". However, this will not be correct since the client does not have echoic skills and is not able to tact with any other communication supports.
Rogers Daisy への返信
Re: Conducting the VB-MAPP Course
- Maher Liz の投稿
Hi Daisy,

Thanks for reaching out. So the answer is different based on which assessment. In terms of the barriers, I understand your concerns about scoring the barriers as a #4 if the learner doesn't exhibit some of those behaviors. The problem is with leaving the question blank it will "look" like the learner scored a zero (that is there is no issue). I would recommend scoring the question a 4 and adding a note to that barrier. In terms of the transition assessment, if the learner can not score a #1, leave the question blank and that will reflect they weren't demonstrating the "minimum" behavior to score a 1 on the transition. Just an FYI the transition assessment is optional and if the learner is not ready to move to a lesser restrictive environment that assessment doesn't have to be done.