
Conducting the VB-MAPP Course

Re: Conducting the VB-MAPP Course
- Maher Liz の投稿
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This is tricky.  If a learner isn't attending to an array it is almost impossible to assess and teach LRs, VP/MTSs/Tacts in an array.  My suggestions depend on the level of your level.  If your learner is an emerging level 1 learner with no mands etc you might want to start establishing motivation for the learner to mand and condition yourself and other staff as reinforcers and start to establish instructional control.  I should have probably said firstly ensure there are no vision problems.  Maybe put motivating items together in an array and have your learner choose an item - do they scan the array then?

If your learner can mand and tact but is finding it difficult to scan (barrier to learning) maybe transition to having them tact in the field? There are more suggestions in the teaching course.  Hope this helps.

Any other thoughts?